← Afrika
Bom dia camaradas
A novel from Angola
Translated from Portuguese by Claudia Stein
© 2006 Baobab Books
148 pages
Ages 14 and up
It is only from the stories he hears that Ndalu knows about the colonial period in Angola. He is preoccupied by other matters. He has to give a talk on the radio. On top of that, his aunt is coming from Portugal to visit the family and will certainly bring him presents. And then there is a rumor going around about plans for a raid on his school. A comical first novel.
The translation was granted by Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Literatur aus Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika in collaboration with Pro Helvetia.
Original edition: »Bom dia camaradas« © 2003 by Editorial Caminho, Lisabon

out of print