← LatinAmerica
Der Feuerdieb – Ladrón del fuego
A picture book from Mexico
Bilingual German – Spanish
Translated from Spanish by Jochen Weber
© 2015 Baobab Books
32 pages, hardcover, 30,0 x 18,5 cm
CHF 25.00
/ € 18,50 [D]
/ € 19,10 [A]
ISBN 978-3-905804-62-1
Ages 6 and up
There was once a time when the world was already full of life, but things had not yet been given an order. An opossum headed for the hills with the aim of stealing some of the gods' fire, and thus bringing light into the world. The furry thief also created the measure of time, thus giving life its rhythm.
The opossum, called «el tlacuache» in Spanish, is one of the oldest mammals in the world. It plays an important role in the mythology of Mexico's indigenous cultures. They say it was the tlacuache that gave maize its white, yellow and blue colour too.
The author
The illustrator
Original edition: Ladrón del fuego © 2013, Ediciones Tecolote, Colonia San Muguel Chapultepec, Mexico