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Iplikçi, Müge (Text) / Delioğlu, Mustafa (Illustration)

Der fliegende Dienstag

A novel from Turkey

Translated from Turkish by Ebru Wittreck
© 2013 Baobab Books
88 pages, hardcover, 13,3 x 19,5 cm
CHF 24.80 / € 15,90 [D] / € 15,90 [A]
ISBN 978-3-905804-46-1
Ages 8 and up

Sibel lives in Istanbul. She's a clever girl – and a bit of a dreamer. Her greatest wish is to fly like a bird. But today isn't a day for dreaming, because the Sugar Festival is taking place tomorrow, and there are so many things left to do in preparation for it. Her mother takes Sibel and her younger siblings with her to the Tuesday Market, where they have to do some shopping for the festival. What a hustle and bustle! But what happens? Sibel gets lost in the crowd, just as she wanted to buy some crispy sesame rings. How on earth is she ever going to find her mother and siblings again in this melee? Everything turns out fine in the end, thanks to the help of a tomato seller, an electrician and a rubbish collector – and Sibel even flies …

Istanbul, the city on the Bosphorus, is the cultural and geographical bridge between Europe and Asia. Müge Iplikçi connects the oriental story-telling tradition with the social reality of Turkey today. The famous Tuesday Market in the Kadiköy neighbourhood on the Asian side of the city is the perfect setting for this story.

The author

Müge Iplikçi was born in Istanbul in 1966, and still lives there today with her husband and son. She studied English and English literature at the University of Istanbul and at Ohio State University in the USA. Today she teaches communication studies at Bilgi University and works as a writer. Since 1998 she has published numerous short stories and three novels, which have been translated into various languages. The Flying Tuesday is her first children's book, it was published in Turkey in 2010.

The illustrator

Mustafa Delioğlu Mustafa Delioğlu was born in Erzincan, Turkey, in 1946. He lives in Istanbul with his two children and his wife. He started drawing in 1968 and has mainly illustrated book covers and children's books since 1975. His work with its distinctive style has already been shown in numerous exhibitions. Delioğlu has been nominated for the 2013 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award.

The German edition has been supported by a grant of the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Original edition: »Uçan Salı« © 2010 Günıșıgı Kitaplığı



Additional materials

→ Teaching materials (in German)