← LatinAmerica
Die Sommergäste – Las visitas del verano
A picture book from Uruguay
Bilingual edition German – Spanish
Translated from Spanish by Jochen Weber
© 2021 Baobab Books
Original edition
48 pages, hardcover, 26 x 22 cm
CHF 25.00
/ € 20,00 [D]
/ € 20,60 [A]
ISBN 978-3-907277-09-6
Ages 5 and up
A man lives happily by himself and enjoys the peace and seclusion of his little house. But the peace is shattered one morning, as summer has only just begun, when a gaggle of geese lands on the roof, chattering loudly. No matter how hard he tries to persuade the geese to fly on, they are unimpressionable: they have come to stay.
The man has to come to terms with his new guests and they spend the summer together. And that's just the beginning of a wonderful friendship ...
The expansive images pass us by as if we were sitting in the cinema. It only takes a few words for such expressive illustrations to understand how rewarding it can be to open the door in our heart for strangers.