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Acosta, Matías

Die Sommergäste – Las visitas del verano

A picture book from Uruguay

Bilingual edition German – Spanish
Translated from Spanish by Jochen Weber
© 2021 Baobab Books
Original edition
48 pages, hardcover, 26 x 22 cm
CHF 25.00 / € 20,00 [D] / € 20,60 [A]
ISBN 978-3-907277-09-6
Ages 5 and up
Foreign rights sold
Spanish (Uruguay/Chile), Slovenish

A man lives happily by himself and enjoys the peace and seclusion of his little house. But the peace is shattered one morning, as summer has only just begun, when a gaggle of geese lands on the roof, chattering loudly. No matter how hard he tries to persuade the geese to fly on, they are unimpressionable: they have come to stay.
The man has to come to terms with his new guests and they spend the summer together. And that's just the beginning of a wonderful friendship ...
The expansive images pass us by as if we were sitting in the cinema. It only takes a few words for such expressive illustrations to understand how rewarding it can be to open the door in our heart for strangers.

The author and illustrator

Matías Acosta was born in the Uruguayan city of Paysandú in 1980 where he has returned to live after time in Montevideo and Buenos Aires. He first studied film and animation, then began to illustrate books.
In 2015 he won second place for the Prize for Children and Young Adult Illustrations by the Uruguayan department for education and culture, and his works have been nominated twice for the Nami Concours.
Matías Acosta says of his artistic work: »My illustrations are made from long observations. I like to take a close look at things which seem simple, such as a mountain, a stream, or a tree.« Die Sommergäste is his first book for which he both illustrated the pictures and wrote the story.


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