Eine Geschichte ohne Ende
A picture book from Brazil
Do you want to come for a walk in the jungle? Look, there's an anteater, followed closely by a jaguar. A hummingbird whirrs over a tortoise, and where's that armadillo going? Oh, the tip of a snake's tail! Does it spell danger?
But what's this? A hand appears. We follow a colourful trail and see that the master painter has a full pot of red paint to hand. Everybody wants some of it: the parrot, the ladybird and the jaguar. Every single one of them gets a magnificent coat. Some feathers here, striped fur there, dazzling armour and splendid bristles. Hey, no pushing through, everyone will get a turn!
The whole colourful pomp shines in the sun. The toucan isn't the only one to ask himself: «Am I beautiful?» But then a big, fat rain cloud gathers. That's the way things go… A big cycle of life is in motion here, and the end of the book leads us directly back to its beginning. The story starts anew on every page and is never finished. Not one single word is needed to say it all.
The author and illustrator
© 2011 Editora Rovelle, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien

→ Shortlisted: German Children's Literatur Prize 2016
→ Most Beautiful German Books 2016
→ Recommended list: GEP-Illustrationspreis 2016