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Kilaka, John

Frische Fische

A picture book from Tanzania

Translated from Swahili by Christine Hatz, edited by Anna Katharina Ulrich
© 2001 Baobab Books; 3rd edition 2017
Original edition
32 pages, hardcover, 29 x 21 cm
CHF 25.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 19,10 [A]
ISBN 978-3-905804-79-9
Ages 4 and up
Foreign rights sold
Danish, English (US/Can), French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Swedish

It has been a long time since chimpanzee Sokwe has caught so many fish. He's already excited about the money he will earn selling his catch. But Dog puts paid to all that. He wants to eat Sokwe's fish himself. The animals track down the fish thief and he must atone for his misdeed. A comic but profound story in the tradition of Tanzanian Tingatinga painting.

The author

John Kilaka was born in the southwest of Tanzania in 1966. As a boy he was already very interested in painting: as a child he was doing sketches in the sand; when he started school he made funny drawings on the black board, which the other pupils enjoyed but which disturbed the teacher. At the age of twenty he moved to Dar es Salaam to study the art of tingatinga painting. Today, John Kilaka is one of the most important representatives of tingatinga art.

Additional materials

→ Teaching Materials

(in German)