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Tang, Wei

Im Garten von Oma Apo

A picture book from China

Translated from Chinese by Brigitte Koller Abdi
© 2020 Baobab Books
32 pages, hardcover, 23 x 23 cm
CHF 24.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 19,10 [A]
ISBN 978-3-905804-99-7
Ages 5 and up

Granny Apo might seem a bit strange. Every day she goes to the farmers market. But not, like the others, to buy anything. No, Granny collects whatever is thrown away by the stall holders. She packs up her basket and hurries back home.
Oh, Granny Apo has a lot of energy! Up, up, up. She lives on the top floor, but then she climbs up even further. Her garden is on the rooftop of the building in the middle of the city! Here she feeds the chicken with the greens from the market. Whatever is left is given to the plants which still have to grow. The tomatoes are hungry, the salad is thirsty, and the cabbage begs for help: the caterpillars are on the way …
Granny Apo tends her sky garden with great care until it is time to harvest. She clips and cuts, and fills all her bags and baskets. Indeed, that is far too much for one person alone! But Granny has neighbours and they all get their share. Then she is off to the kitchen: her children and grandchildren are on the way for a garden feast. Everybody knows that Granny Apo is not only a successful gardener but also the best cook one could imagine … yum!

The author and illustrator

TANG Wei (*1986) was born in the Chinese city Chengdu. After she completed her studies in Animation at the Xihua-University in Chengdu, she became a freelance illustrator and designer. Im Garten von Oma Apo is her first book for children, which she not only illustrated but also wrote herself. In her book she portraits her own grandmother, who is an enthusiastic urban gardener at an age way above 80! 
Tang Wei lives in Dali in Yunnan.
Original edition: »Apo de Kongzhong Cai Yuan«
© 2019 Tang Wei & Beijing Popular Culture Project Co., Ltd