← Afrika
Kariuki und sein weisser Freund
A novel from Kenia
Translated from English by Jürgen Martini und Helmi Martini Honus
© 1991 Lamuv, Göttingen, 2004
160 pages
CHF 14.80
/ € 8,00 [D]
/ € 8,00 [A]
ISBN 978-3-88977-656-3
Ages 12 and up
A boy from Kenya: Kariuki. A boy from England: Nigel, the grandchild of the man who owns the farm. Two worlds meet. The boys form a secret friendship, even though Kariuki is often deeply troubled by Nigel's accounts of Tarzan, the king of the jungle, and other strange things.
Original edition: © 1991 by Meja Mwangi

The book has received numerous awards, including the German Children's Book Prize.