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Toledo, Eymard


A story from Amazonia

Baobab Books
© 2024 Baobab Books
Original edition
32 pages, hardcover, 30 x 21.5 cm
CHF 25.00 / € 22,00 [D] / € 22,70 [A]
ISBN 978-3-907277-24-9
Ages 6 and up
Foreign rights sold
French (Europe), Spanish (World)

Naná lives in a village on the banks of the Amazon. People's lives are characterised by the climate and the rhythm of the seasons. When the river overflows its banks in the rainy season, the people let the water flow through their homes and the village children travel to school by boat.
One day, as Naná sits on the bank with her fishing rod waiting for a fish to bite, a canoe appears. A mother is sitting in it with her children, the eldest boy skilfully steering the boat through the current with a paddle. Naná wonders where these people might be travelling to.
Then the boy from the canoe turns up at the village school shortly afterwards. His name is Kayabu and he is given a seat next to Naná. The two become friends and one day Kayabu starts to tell his story …
This story of friendship opens a window onto the world of the indigenous population of Amazonia, whose habitat is threatened by industrial deforestation and the extraction of raw materials. Of the once 1000 indigenous ethnic groups in Brazil, today only around 200 are left.

The author

Eymard Toledo was born in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in 1963. At the age of 25, she packed her rucksack and travelled through Europe. In Berlin, she decided to study product design. Today, the mother of two grown-up sons lives as a freelance artist in Mainz.
In her award-winning picture books, Eymard Toledo always chooses unusual perspectives to tell the story of life in Brazil. For her fascinating collages, she uses materials that would normally end up in the bin: Wrapping paper, packaging, paper napkins and much more.
Website of Eymard Toledo
