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Zaeri, Mehrdad (Text) / Mehrdad Zaeri (Illustration)

Prinzessin Sharifa und der mutige Walter – الأميرة شريفة وفالتر الشجاع

Two ancient stories retold today

Bilingual edition German – Arabic
Translated into Arabic by Mahmoud Hassanein
Text: Anne Richter
© 2013 Baobab Books; 3rd edition 2020
Original edition
40 pages, hardcover, 21.5 x 28.8 cm
CHF 25.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 19,10 [A]
ISBN 978-3-905804-52-2
Ages 5 and up
Foreign rights sold
Farsi (Iran)

Much is different in this book. It can be read from right to left, or from left to right, in German or in Arabic. Two ancient stories from the Arab and from the Western worlds meet in the middle: the story of Sharifa, the fearless princess, and that of Walter, Wilhelm Tell's son.

Intrepid Sharifa wants to see the country were there aren't any women. In a fit of anger King Hamed bin Bathara, the ruler of the neighbouring kingdom, banned all women – except for his mother – from the country. Sharifa disguises herself as prince Sharif and risks her life to pay a visit to the kingdom of men. The king mistrusts the beautiful visitor. In an attempt to find out his guest's secret he sets her three tasks. But brave and clever Sharifa knows how to deal with them.
The legend of Wilhelm Tell, in turn, is well-known. But what happens when the quintessential European story about bravery and freedom is read and interpreted in today's Egypt? The emphasis shifts, and son Walter takes centre stage.

The author

Anne Richter studied drama, Nordic studies and comparative literature in Munich in Germany. She was a dramaturge at the Volkstheater Rostock, at the Erfurt theatre and at the children's and youth's theatre of the Nationaltheater Mannheim (Junges Nationaltheater). She then worked as a journalist writing about theatre and literature for children and youths. Richter lived in Shanghai from 2002 to 2005. Now she is leading the Theatre for a Young Audience Schauburg in Munich.

The illustrator

Mehrdad Zaeri was born in Isfahan in Iran in 1970. When he was 14 his family first emigrated to Turkey, and then to Germany. After completing his schooling (with the German equivalent of A levels) he decided to become an artist. Today he lives in Mannheim in Germany with his wife, and works as a freelance artist. Zaeri has already illustrated numerous books for adults. «Prinzessin Sharifa und der mutige Walter» was his first book for children, ever since he has been illustrating numerous books for young reader and was awarded with the «Grosser Preis» by the German Academy for children's and youth literature 2023.

A cooperation transcending boundaries
This book is a co-operation between Baobab Books and the Junges Nationaltheater Mannheim, and has been produced as a bi-lingual production in German and Arabic. The two stories were the centre of a theatre cooperation between Junges Nationaltheater Mannheim in Germany and the Egyptian organisation I-act in 2012/13.

Additional materials

→ Documentary about Mehrdad Zaeri


→ Kröte des Monats by STUBE Austria

More books by Mehrdad Zaeri