Tina hat Mut
A picture book from Georgia
A girl lives in a wooden house in the countryside, together with her mum and dad. Her name is Tinatin, but everyone calls her Tina. Tina loves nothing more than spending time with her father. The two of them would roam around the big garden in front of the house; there are so many things to discover. Only the bamboo grove behind the house seems too dark and too dangerous.
But one day, Tina has the courage to venture into the bamboo grove. Her dog, a Red Irish Setter, is at her side. Poppy goes ahead as mysterious signs appear: a whistling sound, a trail of acorns … Where does this all lead to?
Sometimes it takes courage to explore something unknown. Something that might seem impossibly big or infinitely dark. But if we overcome our fear, if we follow our curiosity, we can discover the most beautiful things. Just like Tina in this book.
The author and illustrator
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Books by the same author
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