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Zorro heisst Fuchs

Geschichten der Anden-Indianer

Ages 10 and up
out of print


Abdallah, Sahar

A picture book from Egypt

CHF 25.00 / € 22,00 [D] / € 22,70 [A]
Ages 5 and up
Acosta, Matías
Die Sommergäste – Las visitas del verano

A picture book from Uruguay

Bilingual edition German – Spanish
CHF 25.00 / € 20,00 [D] / € 20,60 [A]
Ages 5 and up
Acosta, Matías

A picture book from Uruguay

Release date: 15.04.2025

CHF 25.00 / € 22,00 [D] / € 22,70 [A]
Ages 5 and up
Adiaffi, Jean-Marie / N'Doye, Assane
Die Geschichte vom kleinen Elefanten

A story from the Ivory Coast

Ages 5 and up
out of print
Amado, Jorge / Martins, Aldemir
Bola Fura-Redes und der Torhüter

A story from Brazil

Ages 8 and up
out of print
Amambing, Jainal
Sansarinaga und der fliegende Büffel

A picture book from Malaysia

CHF 25.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 19,10 [A]
Ages 4 and up


Ando, Mikie / Shimowada Sachiyo
Der Mond zu Gast

7 unusal tales from Japan about life and happiness

CHF 25.00 / € 18,00 [D] / € 18,50 [A]
Ages 8 and up
Ando, Mikie / Shimowada Sachiyo
Der Mond zu Gast

7 ungewöhnliche Geschichten aus Japan über das Leben und das Glück

CHF 18.00 / € 16,00 [D] / € 16,00 [A]
Ages 6-8
Andruetto, María Teresa / Trach, Martina
Clara und der Mann im großen Haus

A picture book from Argentina

CHF 25.00 / € 19,00 [D] / € 19,60 [A]
Ages 6 and up
Andruetto, María Teresa
Stefanos weite Reise

A novel from Argentina

CHF 23.00 / € 14,90 [D] / € 15,40 [A]
Ages 14 and up


Arni, Samhita
Das Mahâbhârata

The Indian Mahabharatha written and illustrated by a girl

Ages 12 and up
out of print
Asare, Meshack
Die Kinder des Baumes

A story from Namibia

Ages 6 and up
out of print


Baksi, Mahmut / Clason, Elin
In der Nacht über die Berge

A novel about Kurdish refugees

Ages 12 and up
out of print
Baobab Books
Kolibri Nr. 30

/ € 5,00 [D] / € 5,20 [A]
Baobab Books
Kolibri Nr. 31

/ € 5,00 [D] / € 5,20 [A]
Bary, Tarik A.
Der König der Dinge

A novel from Egypt

Ages 12 and up
out of print
Bayrami, Mohammad Rez
Djalal reitet um sein Leben

A novel from the Sabalan Mountains in Iran

Ages 10 and up
out of print
Begag, Azouz
Azouz, der Junge vom Stadtrand

An Algerian childhood in Lyon

Ages 12 and up
out of print
Begag, Azouz
Fast überall

The life of an Alergian boy in France

Ages 12 and up
out of print
Braz, Julío Emílio
Kinder im Dunkeln

A novel from Brazil

CHF 22.80 / € 14,90 [D] / € 15,40 [A]
Ages 12 and up



Cardoso, Luiz Claudio
Der Tag, an dem sie Vater holten

A story from Brazil

Ages 12 and up
out of print
Castaño Mesa, Samuel
Die Uhr meines Großvaters – El reloj de mi abuelo

A picture book from Colombia

Bilingual edition German – Spanish
CHF 24.00 / € 18,00 [D] / € 18,50 [A]
Ages 5 and up
Cengiz, Gülsum
Katzen wäscht man nicht

A childhood in Istanbul

Ages 10 and up
out of print
Chen, Chih-Yuan
Kleiner Spaziergang – 小鱼散步

A picture book from Taiwan

Bilingual edition German – Traditional Chinese
CHF 25.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 19,10 [A]
Ages 4 and up
Chen, Danyan
Neun Leben

A childhood in Shanghai

CHF 23.70 / € 14,90 [D] / € 14,90 [A]
Ages 13 and up
out of print
Chirif, Micaela / Fonseca, Armando / Mijangos, Amanda / Palomino, Juan
Das Meer

A picture book from South Amerika

CHF 25.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 19,10 [A]
Ages 5 and up


Dalvand, Reza
Etwas Schwarzes

A picture book from Iran

CHF 25.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 19,10 [A]
Ages 5 and up
Dalvand, Reza
Etwas Schwarzes

Ein Bilderbuch aus dem Iran

CHF 18.00 / € 16,00 [D] / € 16,00 [A]
Ages 7-10
Dalvand, Reza
Plitsch, platsch, pitsch, patsch – لی لی لی لی حوضک

A counting rhyme from Iran

Bilingual German – Persian
CHF 16.80 / € 13,90 [D] / € 14,30 [A]
Ages 2 and up
Díaz, Gloria Cecilia
Der Himmel glüht

A story from Colombia

CHF 23.00 / € 14,90 [D] / € 14,90 [A]
ages 10 and up


Djoleto, Amu
Obodai und seine Freunde

A novel from Ghana

Ages 12 and up
out of print


Ekwensi, Cyprian
Der Wanderzauber

A novel from Nigeria

Ages 12 and up
out of print
Ellabbad, Mohieddin
Das Notizbuch des Zeichners – كشكول الرسام

A picture book from Egypt

Bilingual edition German – Arabic
CHF 25.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 19,10 [A]
Ages 8 and up
Ellabbad, Mohieddin
Das Notizbuch des Zeichners – كشكول الرسام

Ein Bilderbuch aus Ägypten

CHF 18.00 / € 16,00 [D] / € 16,00 [A]
Ages 12-14
Emecheta, Buchi
Der Ringkampf

A novel from Nigeria

Ages 12 and up
out of print
Escobar de Nogales, Melba / Builes, Elizabeth
Das Glück ist ein Fisch

A novel from Colombia

CHF 25.00 / € 16,50 [D] / € 17,00 [A]
Ages 9 and up
Escobar de Nogales, Melba / Builes, Elizabeth
Das Glück ist ein Fisch

Eine Erzählung aus Kolumbien

CHF 18.00 / € 16,00 [D] / € 16,00 [A]
Ages 8-10


Gajah, Yusof
Wer hat den roten Ball?

A picture book from Malaysia

CHF 16.80 / € 13,90 [D] / € 14,30 [A]
Ages 2 and up
Gilroy, Beryl

A novel between Jamaika und London

Ages 12 and up
out of print
Grace, Patricia
Unter dem Manukabaum

Stories from the Maori

Ages 12 and up
out of print
Gulab, Rupa
Ein Querkopf kommt selten allein

A novel from India

CHF 24.80 / € 15,90 [D] / € 15,90 [A]
Ages 12 and up


Gulab, Rupa
Ein Querkopf kommt selten allein

Ein Jugendroman aus Indien

CHF 18.00 / € 16,00 [D] / € 16,00 [A]
Ages 7-10
Gundars, Lauris / Anete Melece
Hallo, Walfisch!

A novel from Latvia

CHF 24.00 / € 17,00 [D] / € 17,50 [A]
Ages 8 and up
Gundars, Lauris / Anete Melece
Hallo, Walfisch!

Eine Erzählung aus Lettland

CHF 18.00 / € 16,00 [D] / € 16,00 [A]
Ages 8-10


Hengadi, Ramesh / Dhadpe, Shantaram
Das machen wir

A Warli picture book from India

CHF 35.00 / € 28,00 [D] / € 28,80 [A]
Ages 4 and up
Horndal, Sissel
Máttaráhkkás weite Reise

A story from the Land of the Sami

CHF 25.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 19,10 [A]
Ages 5 and up
Huang, Beijia
Seidenraupen für Jin Ling

A novel from China

CHF 26.80 / € 16,90 [D] / € 17,40 [A]
Ages 13 and up



Iplikçi, Müge / Delioğlu, Mustafa
Der fliegende Dienstag

A novel from Turkey

CHF 24.80 / € 15,90 [D] / € 15,90 [A]
Ages 8 and up


Iplikçi, Müge / Delioğlu, Mustafa
Der fliegende Dienstag

Eine Erzählung aus der Türkei

CHF 18.00 / € 16,00 [D] / € 16,00 [A]
Ages 8–10
Ipșiroglu, Zehra
Das Nashornspiel

A novel from Turkey

Ages 11 to 14
out of print


Jha, Rambharos

An art picture book from India

CHF 48.00 / € 42,00 [D] / € 42,00 [A]
out of print


Kaldmaa, Kätlin / Rõõmus, Jaan

An extraordinary girl from Estonia

CHF 24.00 / € 19,50 [D] / € 20,10 [A]
Ages 8 and up
Kanta, Abdoua / Boubacar, Boureima
Lelee, das Hirtenmädchen

A West African story from the Fulbe people

Ages 10 and up
out of print
Keïta, Idrissa
Djemas Traum vom großen Auftritt

A childhood in Mali

Ages 10 and up
out of print
Kemal, Yașar
Gut geflunkert, Zilo!

A story from Turkey

CHF 23.00 / € 14,90 [D] / € 14,90 [A]
Ages 12 and up


Khalil, Taha
Das Heft meines Freundes

A novel from Syrian Kurdistan

Ages 10 and up
out of print
Kiengsiri, Pensri
Seebarsch und Süßkartoffeln

A lovestory from Bangkok

CHF 22.80 / € 12,80 [D] / € 12,80 [A]
Ages 13 and up


Kilaka, John
Der wunderbare Baum

A picture book from Tanzania

CHF 25.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 19,10 [A]
Ages 4 and up
Kilaka, John
Frische Fische

A picture book from Tanzania

CHF 25.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 19,10 [A]
Ages 4 and up
Kilaka, John
Frische Fische

Ein Bilderbuch aus Tansania

CHF 18.00 / € 16,00 [D] / € 16,00 [A]
Ages 7-9
Kilaka, John
Gute Freunde

A picture book from Tanzania

CHF 25.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 18,50 [A]
Ages 4 and up


Kilaka, John
Schneller Hase

A picture book from Tanzania

CHF 25.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 19,10 [A]
Ages 5 and up
Kim, Ryeo-Ryeong
Eins – zwei, eins – zwei – drei

A novel from Korea

CHF 24.00 / € 18,00 [D] / € 18,50 [A]
Ages 14 and up
Kim, Yong Ik / Jansky-Kim, My-Ryoung

A novel from Korea

Ages 8 and up
out of print


Lee, Tae-Jun / Kim, Dong-Seong
Wann kommt Mama? – 엄마 마중

A picture book from Korea

Bilingual edition German – Korean
CHF 25.00 / € 20,00 [D] / € 20,60 [A]
Ages 4 and up
Lee, Uk-bae
Sori feiert Tschusok

A picture book from Korea

CHF 24.80 / € 18,50 [D] / € 18,50 [A]
Ages 5 and up


Lomas Garza, Carme
Eine Piñata zum Geburtstag – Una piñata para el cumpleaños

A picture book in German and Spanish – Un libro ilustrado en alemán y en español

Ages 5 and up
out of print


Maartens, Maretha / Ben Martins, Dikobe
Sidwell und der Müllhaldenmann

A story from South Africa

Ages 10 and up
out of print
Machado, Ana Maria / Geszti, Gabor
Der Regenbogen

How the children got rid of the tyrant

Ages 10 and up
out of print
Mbarga, Henri / Djité, Billy
Warum das Schwein keine Hörner hat

Tales from Kamerun

CHF 24.80 / € 15,90 [D] / € 16,40 [A]
ages 6 and up


McDonald, Meme / Pryor, Boori Monty

A novel from Australia

CHF 25.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 18,50 [A]
Ages 13 and up


Miller, Kirsten
Hörst du, wie der Himmel singt?

A novel from South Africa

CHF 28.00 / € 24,00 [D] / € 24,70 [A]
Ages 15 and up
Molope, Kagiso Lesego
Im Schatten des Zitronenbaums

A novel from South Africa

CHF 23.80 / € 14,90 [D] / € 15,40 [A]
Ages 12 and up


Molope, Kagiso Lesego
Im Schatten des Zitronenbaums

Ein Roman aus Südafrika

CHF 18.00 / € 16,00 [D] / € 16,00 [A]
Ages 12-15
Mungoshi, Charle / Epanya, Christian Kungue
Der sprechende Kürbis

And other stories from Africa

Ages 8 and up
out of print
Mwangi, Meja
Kariuki und sein weisser Freund

A novel from Kenia

CHF 14.80 / € 8,00 [D] / € 8,00 [A]
Ages 12 and up



Nadareischwili, Tatia
Schlaf gut – ძილი ნებისა

A picture book from Georgia

Bilingual edition German – Georgian
CHF 24.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 19,10 [A]
Ages 4 and up
Nadareischwili, Tatia
Tina hat Mut

A picture book from Georgia

CHF 24.00 / € 19,00 [D] / € 19,60 [A]
Ages 5 and up
Nasrallah, Emily / Nasrallah, Maha
Kater Ziku lebt gefährlich

A story from Lebanon

CHF 23.00 / € 14,90 [D] / € 14,90 [A]
Ages 10 and up



Ojeda, Ana Paula / Palomino, Juan
Der Feuerdieb – Ladrón del fuego

A picture book from Mexico

Bilingual German – Spanish
CHF 25.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 19,10 [A]
Ages 6 and up
Bom dia camaradas

A novel from Angola

Ages 14 and up
out of print


Past, Ámbar / Mendes Peres, Maruch / Araki, Tamana
Als die Sonne ein Kind war

After a Mayan Myth

CHF 25.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 19,10 [A]
Ages 5 and up
Past, Ámbar / Mendes Peres, Maruch / Araki, Tamana
Als die Sonne ein Kind war

Nach einem Mythos der Maya

CHF 18.00 / € 16,00 [D] / € 16,00 [A]
Ages 6-8
Pimentel, Marcelo
Eine Geschichte ohne Ende

A picture book from Brazil

CHF 19.80 / € 15,90 [D] / € 16,40 [A]
Ages 2 and up


Ramos, Graciliano / Mello, Roger
Raimundo im Land Tatipirún

A story from Brazil

Ages 10 and up
out of print
Ramsay, Paulette
Alles Liebe, deine Sunshine

A story in letters from Jamaica

CHF 23.00 / € 14,90 [D] / € 14,90 [A]
Ages 14 and up


Ravishankar, Anushka / Balachandran, Anitha
Moin und das Monster

A novel from India

CHF 24.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 19,10 [A]
Ages 8 and up


Ravishankar, Anushka / Balachandran, Anitha
Moin und das Monster

Eine Erzählung aus Indien

CHF 18.00 / € 16,00 [D] / € 16,00 [A]
Ages 8-10
Ray, Satyajit / Pathy, Dinanath
Feluda und das goldene Schloss

A detective novel from India

Ages 10 and up
out of print
Rietberg, Museum (Hg.)
Aus dem Milchmeer entstand die Welt

8 tales from the realm of the Indian Gods and Goddesses

CHF 25.00 / € 20,00 [D] / € 20,60 [A]
Ages 9 and up
Robson, Jenny
Tommy Mütze

A novel from South Africa

CHF 25.00 / € 16,50 [D] / € 17,00 [A]
Ages 9 and up
Robson, Jenny
Tommy Mütze

Eine Erzählung aus Südafrika

CHF 18.00 / € 16,00 [D] / € 16,00 [A]
Ages 9-12
Romanyschyn, Romana / Lessiw, Andrij
Das Rübchen – Ріпка

A fairy tale from Ukraine

Bilingual German – Ukrainian
CHF 25.00 / € 20,00 [D] / € 20,60 [A]
Ages 4 and up


Saberi, Babak / Zaeri, Mehrdad
Ein großer Freund

A story from Iran

CHF 25.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 19,10 [A]
Ages 5 and up
Shaw, Kuzki
Die weiße Laterne

Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Hiroshima

Release date: 15.04.2025

CHF 25.00 / € 22,00 [D] / € 22,70 [A]
Ages 12 and up
Shodjaie, Seyyed Ali / Taherian, Elahe
Der große Schneemann – اگر آدم برفی ها آب نشوند

A picture book from Iran

Bilingual edition German – Farsi
CHF 25.00 / € 18,50 [D] / € 19,10 [A]
Ages 5 and up
Shodjaie, Seyyed Ali / Taherian, Elahe
Der große Schneemann – اگر آدم برفی ها آب نشوند

Ein Bilderbuch aus dem Iran

CHF 18.00 / € 16,00 [D] / € 16,00 [A]
Ages 7-9
Shyam, Bhajju / Bai, Durga / Urveti, Ram Singh
Das Geheimnis der Bäume

An Art Picture Book from India

CHF 53.00 / € 48,00 [D] / € 49,40 [A]
Shyam, Bhajju / Bai, Durga / Urveti, Ram Singh
Das Geheimnis der Bäume

Ein Bilderbuch aus Indien

CHF 18.00 / € 16,00 [D] / € 16,00 [A]
Ages 9-12